Top 22 Surfskate Tutorial Videos
Here comes a carefully compiled list of our top 22 curated surfskate tutorials and video lessons that will help you to become a better surfskater and surfer in 2024. Also if you are a local check out our spot selection of Hamburg’s finest surfskate locations and skateparks.
How to get most out of this guide.
Truth is, learning to surfskate will consume time and require patience: there is no easy way around it. However with the right coach and surfskate tutorial videos at hand you will be able to speed up your progress a lot. There is tons of material out there from various surfskate coaches – we have curated a fine selection of 22 lessons which in our opinion are on point and will quickly move you forward.
Before you start consider two rules of thumb: first you will have much more fun and motivation over time doing this with a group of friends. So definetely have a look if there is a local community you can join – you will not only learn faster from others but make new friends. And secondly the fastest way to progress, even when exercising with a coach, is to see yourself on video. We figured out that once a movement feels right that does not always mean you already have the technique you were aiming for. Tape yourself and compare your movements with the following videos – we promise it will help a lot.

01 — How do you warm up for surfskating?
In this first video Layton Le Petit gives us an impression of what his full warm up routine looks like. A proper warm up will definetely improve your mobility and prevent injuries — you can obviously shorten this routine to your personal preference.

02 — How do you stand on a surfskate?
In this video Chris Mills explains how to find your perfect surf stance — obviously this also applies for surfskating. Learn key insights into your foot positioning, posture, forward-facing surfing, and how to kill the poo man.

03 — How do you pump on a surfskate with your lower body?
Pumping a surfskate looks so smooth and simple, it is however a complex sequence of body movements. Mako Surfskate has a great approach to explaining the absolute basics of pumping and how it should be done — on land and in the water.

04 — How do you pump on a surfskate with your upper body?
In this second video Mako Surfskate is focussing on the upper body and how it should be used while pumping a surfskate. Make sure to also check out the third video on Mako’s channel if you want to bring your pumping to a professional level.

05 — How not to pump on a surfskate.
Sometimes surfskating can actually cement bad habits and also stall your progression in the water. Therefore Chris Mills takes a look at some common mistakes that surfers do while pumping on a surfskate and makes suggestions how to correct those.

06 — How do you bottom turn on a surfskate?
The bottom turn is one of the first maneuvers you will learn to do on a surskate and in the water. In this video Chris Mills is giving a great in-depth explanation of how to find an ideal posture and how to efficiently move your body while doing a bottom turn.

07 — How do you do a frontside turn on a surfskate?
In this video David is demonstrating a flawless frontside bottom turn and top turn. We love the videos by Vinden VBG because they are short and sweet and will quickly help to understand the key principles of these basic maneuvers in surfing.

08 — How do you do a backside turn on a surfskate?
Another video by Vinden in which David is demonstrating the backside bottom turn and how to do a powerful top turn. Again this video is short and sweet focussing on the key principles you need to keep in mind improving on these maneuvers.

09 — What is the correct posture and stance on a surfskate?
This second video on stance and posture is not a tutorial but more of an introduction to the Swelltech System. We decided to put it in the list as an example for a flawless technique and for how maneuvers can be tranfered 1 : 1 from surfskating to surfing.

10 — How do you pump backside on a surfskate?
Yes, there is a difference between pumping a surfskate frontside and backside. Mako Surfskate is explaining in this video how to pump when you’re not facing the wave with your chest — a great video for all surfers who feel uncomfortable surfing backside.

11 — Is there a good technique how to fall from a surfskate?
Ever wondered why those pro skaters don’t get hurt that much? Well, there is actually a right way of falling in order to reduce the risk of injuries. Shane Lai teaches you some of his techniques in this video and how to protect your body when hitting concrete.

12 — How do you learn bowl riding on a surfskate?
Steve from Surfskate Love has documented his 30 day journey of becoming a better bowl skater. In this highly motivating video he is sharing his top 10 learnings with us which will improve your bowl riding skills in no time.

13 — How do you do a re-entry on a surfskate?
When surfers do a re-entry they perform a maneuver that is otherwise known as a kick turn in conventional skateboarding. In this video Shane Lai is giving a step by step guide on how to do the re-entry on a ramp or in the bowl with your surfskate.

14 — How do you do a drop in on a surfskate?
Dropping into a bowl or mini ramp with a surfskate can be a daunting challenge due to the flexible surfskate truck. In this video Work for Avocados is breaking down the drop-in process step by step with plenty of slow-motion examples.

15 — How do you do a snap on a surfskate?
Once you have moved beyond a beginner level the snap will soon become your most important maneuver — in the flats but also on ramps and bowls. In this video Shane Lai is giving an in-depth explanation of how to do the snap on a surfskate.

16 — How do you do a cutback on a Surfskate?
The roundhouse cutback is one of surfings most elegant but also practical meneuvers in order to get the most out of a wave and your ride. In this video David is teaching the key principles that will turn your cutback into one single smooth maneuver.

17 — How do you do a frontside reverse on a surfskate?
In this video Shane Lai is giving a step by step lesson on how to learn the frontside reverse 360. He breaks down the maneuver into three parts, explaing each one of them in detail and eventually how things come together to a single movement.

18 — How do you do a layback on a surfskate?
The classic layback might remind you of early skate videos out of Dogtown. However this retro maneuver can be transferred to a progressive layback carve in the water and David from Vinden VBG will explain to you how it is done on land.

19 — How do you do a bert slide on a surfskate?
We finally come to another retro classic that is not necessarily a maneuver you will be doing in the water. But it is just too awsome to look at to be missing on this list – in this tutorial David will show you how to become a specialist at it.

20 — How do you do an air on a surfskate?
Doing an air is probably one of the most technical and intimidating maneuvers you can do on a surfskate — especially due to the high flexibility of the front truck. Layton Le Petit is breaking down the entire movement sequence for us to get you in the air.

21 — How do you improve rotation and speed on a surfskate?
This video is an in depth analysis of Felipe Toledos speed generation and rotation abilities by Kale Brock. Kale will give you a comprehensive lesson on how to become more agily and dynamic on your surfskate and in the water.

22 — How do you do cross stepping on a surfskate?
There are not many things you can do that look as elegant and stylish as a surfer walking down the line on his board. In this video Shane Lai is breaking down for us how to get comfortable and confident doing cross steps on a surfskate.